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Podcast K44


  • Camion a 101 km/h a Zingonia, multa di 5.000 euro

    Camion a 101 km/h a Zingonia, multa di 5.000 euro

    Un camionista viaggiava a 100 km/h in una strada di Zingonia, in provincia di Bergamo, e non aveva neppure rispettato i tempi di guida e di riposo. Multati con 5.000 euro l’autista e l’impresa di autotrasporto.




    Transport and logistics news roundup – 15 January 2025

    MSC Air Cargo launches new Asia route

    MSC Air Cargo, in collaboration with Atlas Air, has inaugurated a new weekly air route between Maastricht Aachen Airport and Asia, operated by a Boeing 777F. Key destinations include Hong Kong and Xiamen, with a focus on e-commerce and general cargo. The maiden flight, arriving on 9 January, originated from Almaty, Kazakhstan.

    Ferrari Group considers IPO, Amsterdam among possible venues

    Ferrari Group, a logistics company specialising in jewellery and luxury goods, is reportedly exploring an initial public offering, according to Bloomberg sources. The company, controlled by the Deiana family and founded in Italy in 1959, has engaged Goldman Sachs to examine the opportunity, with Amsterdam as a potential European venue. In 2023, Ferrari Group reported revenues of €333 million and an EBITDA of €87 million. Discussions remain preliminary and may involve additional banks.

    Mediass acquires Suez Insurance Consulting

    Italian insurance broker Mediass, part of The Ardonagh Group, has completed the acquisition of Suez Insurance Consulting, founded in Bologna in 2011 and specialising in the transport sector. Mediass CEO Gianluca Graziani highlighted the strategic importance of the integration, stating: “Incorporating Suez’s expertise enhances our ability to meet market demands.”

    First hydrogen truck for dry ice transport debuts in Hamburg

    Nippon Gases Deutschland and the Hoyer Group have unveiled the first hydrogen-powered truck for transporting dry ice. The vehicle, equipped with cutting-edge technology, was officially handed over at Nippon Gases’ Hürth site. Mona Neubaur, North Rhine-Westphalia’s Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection, attended the inaugural test drive, emphasising hydrogen’s role in sustainable mobility and CO₂ emissions reduction. The truck boasts a 450 km range and refuelling time of under 15 minutes. Nippon Gases expects to save 69,000 kg of CO₂ annually with this innovation.

    Jinhai holdings joins IRU

    Chinese transport giant Jinhai Holdings has joined the International Road Transport Union (IRU) to promote efficient and sustainable logistics solutions, including TIR systems. Founded in 2020, Jinhai Holdings operates the national logistics hub in Shenyang, featuring over 8,000 square metres of warehouses, offices, and customs supervision areas. Since July 2024, the hub has supported TIR operations, bolstering cross-border logistics and digitalisation.

    Fourth TIR logistics hub opens in Shenyang

    Shenyang, Liaoning, has inaugurated the province's first IRU-accredited TIR logistics hub. The 150,000-square-metre facility, located in the Liaozhong Park bonded zone, offers key services such as customs clearance, warehousing, cargo handling, and route development.

    Iran aspires to become a regional rail hub

    Iran is heavily investing in expanding its railway network to enhance its regional connectivity role. Currently spanning 10,000 km, the network aims to reach 25,000 km by 2025, including 3,200 km of new tracks forming nine national corridors. Major projects include a 32-km link between Shalamcheh and Basra (Iraq) within 24 months, and the 164-km Rasht-Astara corridor connecting Iran to Russia. The Rasht-Caspian railway (37 km) is slated to be operational by March 2024. These corridors will grant Central Asian countries direct access to the Indian Ocean and cut transport times between St. Petersburg and Mumbai from 45 to 10 days.

    Logistics collaboration between Mapon and Krone

    Mapon, a leading fleet management provider in Northern Europe, has announced a partnership with German trailer manufacturer Krone to integrate logistics data. The agreement enables access to Krone trailer and chassis data, including location, storage temperatures, door security, and tyre pressure, all centralised in a single dashboard. The system requires no additional installations, ensuring secure data flow between the companies' centres.

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Videocast K44


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