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    Refunds for 2023 Italian tolls can be requested in June 2024

    The publication in the Official Gazette Number 116 on May 20, 2024, of Deliberation Number 7 by the Central Committee of the Albo Nazionale dell’Autotrasporto (National Road Haulage Register) formally sanctions the green light for applications for partial reimbursement of tolls paid by haulage companies in 2023 in Italy. The total allocation amounts to 140 million euros, as established by the Ministerial Decree of March 15, 2022.

    Eligible for the contribution are freight transport companies registered with the Albo (including cooperatives and consortia) and those based in the EU holding a community license (Regulation EC No. 1072/2009), or in Switzerland or the United Kingdom. Companies holding a self-transport license, including community, Swiss, and British ones, are also eligible.

    The contribution applies only to tolls related to motorway trips of industrial vehicles of Euro V, Euro VI, or higher classes, or with electric or alternative traction. Vehicles must fall into classes B, 3, 4, or 5 (if classification is based on the number of axles and vehicle shape) or classes 2, 3, or 4 (if classification is volumetric). Additionally, companies (or their groups) must have an annual turnover for tolls of at least 200,000 euros.

    As in previous years, the contribution percentage for 2023 depends on the environmental class and annual toll expenditure, as per the following scheme:

    Annual turnover between 200,000 and 400,000 euros
    - Euro VI or alternative traction vehicle class: 5% reduction
    - Euro V vehicle class: 3% reduction

    Annual turnover between 400,001 and 1,200,000 euros
    - Euro VI or alternative traction vehicle class: 7% reduction
    - Euro V vehicle class: 5% reduction

    Annual turnover between 1,200,001 and 2,500,000 euros
    - Euro VI or alternative traction vehicle class: 9% reduction
    - Euro V vehicle class: 7% reduction

    Annual turnover between 2,500,001 and 5,000,000 euros
    - Euro VI or alternative traction vehicle class: 11% reduction
    - Euro V vehicle class: 9% reduction

    Annual turnover over 5,000,000 euros
    - Euro VI or alternative traction vehicle class: 13% reduction
    - Euro V vehicle class: 11% reduction

    An additional 10% reduction on the percentage values listed is granted for tolls incurred during night hours (entering the motorway after 10:00 PM and before 2:00 AM or exiting before 6:00 AM), provided that at least 10% of the company's toll turnover is generated during these night hours. This additional reduction is subject to a maximum limit of 13% of the annual turnover value. The total reduction cannot exceed 13% of the annual turnover value, regardless of the individual reductions and additional conditions for night tolls.

    The procedure to request toll reimbursements involves several stages. The first stage requires the submission of the application, which must be done between 9:00 AM on June 5, 2024, and 2:00 PM on June 11, 2024. Applicants must use the "Pedaggi" software application available on the Albo Nazionale dell’Autotrasporto portal. After this reservation, the applicant must enter the data related to the application, including vehicle details, between 9:00 AM on June 24, 2024, and 2:00 PM on July 23, 2024.

    The next stage involves verifying the environmental class of vehicles (carried out in Italy through the National Vehicle Archive and abroad through Eucaris) and the availability of vehicles to the requesting company. Any anomalies will be reported to the applicant, who will need to correct them. The system will calculate the annual turnover of each applicant, using the received invoices, to determine the reduction percentage. The final processing is carried out by the National Road Haulage Register, which determines the amount of compensatory reductions and provides refunds through the banking system.

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