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Podcast K44


  • Camion a 101 km/h a Zingonia, multa di 5.000 euro

    Camion a 101 km/h a Zingonia, multa di 5.000 euro

    Un camionista viaggiava a 100 km/h in una strada di Zingonia, in provincia di Bergamo, e non aveva neppure rispettato i tempi di guida e di riposo. Multati con 5.000 euro l’autista e l’impresa di autotrasporto.




    Transport and logistics brief news – September 13, 2024

    Akno builds a logistics hub in Nogarole Rocca

    Akno Group has begun construction of the new Nogarole Rocca Business Park, a cutting-edge logistics and industrial hub in the province of Verona, with completion scheduled for August 2025. Located along the A22 motorway, the complex will cover over 210,000 square meters, including 98,000 square meters of built-up area, 104 loading bays, and 638 parking spaces. The project focuses on innovation and sustainability, aiming for Breeam certification, and will use renewable energy sources, including photovoltaic systems for energy efficiency. Rainwater management and advanced fire protection systems will ensure safety and environmental compliance.

    The Netherlands to raise toll fees from January 2025

    Starting January 1, 2025, the Netherlands will increase Eurovignette toll rates for trucks over 12 tons by 19%. The new rates will be calculated based on Euro emission standards, the number of axles, and CO2 emissions, with discounts for more environmentally friendly vehicles in classes 2 to 5. Trucks will be divided into five categories, from Class 1 (diesel engines) to Class 5 (zero-emission vehicles). This hike precedes the introduction of a mileage-based toll system in the Netherlands, scheduled for 2026. Meanwhile, Denmark will discontinue the Eurovignette system in 2025, replacing it with a mileage and CO2 emissions-based road toll system.

    Second Tir logistics hub opens in China

    Urumqi, a key city in the Belt and Road Initiative, has opened its second Tir logistics hub, offering integrated services for transport companies, customs, and supply chain operators. Junjiang Si, president of the Xinjiang International Land Port, said, "The establishment of the hub will further open 'door-to-door' corridors for international road transport and two-way trade." The center consolidates essential services such as customs clearance, warehousing, and multimodal solutions, optimizing transport and trade. Tatiana Rey-Bellet, Director of Tir and Transit at IRU, noted that the hub "will further facilitate trade along the China-Europe transport corridors, bringing more opportunities to supply chain players in the region and beyond."

    Lkw Walter celebrates 100 years of operations

    Lkw Walter, a family-owned company founded in 1924 in Vienna, has celebrated its centennial anniversary. Initially a small transport office, the trucking company has grown to employ over 1,650 people from more than 40 nations. Originally specialized in groupage transport, the Austrian firm completed its first international shipment to Italy nearly 30 years later, marking the beginning of its global expansion. In 1984, it embraced combined transport, and since the turn of the millennium, it has focused on digital solutions.

    Nikola to receive $167.5 million compensation

    Trevor Milton, founder of electric truck company Nikola, will have to pay $167.7 million to the company following a ruling by a U.S. judge. Milton, currently serving a four-year prison sentence for fraud, was found guilty of making false and misleading statements to investors about Nikola's technology. District Judge Diane Humetewa upheld a November 2023 arbitration panel decision requiring Milton to cover 97% of a $125 million fine imposed on Nikola by the SEC, as well as $46.5 million in legal fees. Milton contested the amount, arguing that other executives were involved, but the company is now preparing to collect the awarded funds.

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