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Podcast K44


  • Camion a 101 km/h a Zingonia, multa di 5.000 euro

    Camion a 101 km/h a Zingonia, multa di 5.000 euro

    Un camionista viaggiava a 100 km/h in una strada di Zingonia, in provincia di Bergamo, e non aveva neppure rispettato i tempi di guida e di riposo. Multati con 5.000 euro l’autista e l’impresa di autotrasporto.




    Finsea Group restructures business units

    Foto: Finsea

    At the beginning of June 2024, Finsea Group, which has been operating in the Port of Genoa for almost fifty years, announced a significant transformation of its visual identity and corporate structure. This renewal, involving over 250 employees and more than fifty controlled and affiliated companies—with an aggregated turnover of approximately eighty million euros—aims to respond more effectively and cohesively to the needs of the logistics and transportation market.

    Finsea has divided its activities into three main business units designed to cover all phases of the logistics chain in Italy and the Balkans, offering specialized solutions in Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, and Bosnia. The first one is Shipping Agency, which provides logistical, administrative assistance, and commercial representation to shipowners, vessel operators, exporters, importers, and traders. It is noted for its expertise in regular line traffic and spot operations, managing all types of cargo.

    The second business unit is Land Transport, dedicated to road and rail transport of goods, while the third is Global Logistics, aimed at coordinating and managing all aspects related to the shipment of goods by sea, air, and land, including customs services. Additionally, Finsea has two complementary units: Shipping Yards, which, in collaboration with Genoa Naval Industries, offers refitting, repair, and new construction services with four facilities in the Mediterranean; and Shipping Lines, active in passenger transport with BluNavy and Ichnusa Lines.

    Aldo Negri, CEO of Finsea, explains, "The group's growth over the years has accelerated significantly with the creation of new collaborations and companies, each with its own market and brand. For some time now, we have realized that this fragmentation prevented us from having an overall view of Finsea and paradoxically did not link some main activities to our Group. Our strategy today is to go to market with a unique image and channel the communicative strength of all our companies towards a single name."

    Finsea began its activity in the 1970s as a maritime agency, representing prominent companies such as Yang Ming Line, United Arab Shipping Company, China Shipping Container Line, and Grimaldi Lines. Over the years, it has expanded its expertise to liquid and dry bulk traffic and extended its operations, becoming a customs broker and shareholder of Logtainer, one of the most important railway operators in Northwest Italy. Diversification included the acquisition of a trucking company with a fleet of fifty vehicles and the founding of Sinalefi, a maritime agency dedicated to assisting maritime works.

    Since 2022, Finsea has extended its port and logistics services to the Balkans, operating in Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, and Bosnia, thereby expanding its operational network in Europe. The Group was also a pioneer in the privatization of port docks in Italy in 1993 with the creation of the Genoa-Sech Container Terminal at Calata Sanità and continues its participation in terminal activities as one of the partners of the Cilp Terminal in Livorno.

    Along with the organizational change, Finsea has renewed its image to "simplify the communication of activities in the target markets." The company specifies that "this strategic transition maintains the authenticity of the brand, characterized by the historic lettering preceded by two wave-arrows, representative of the group since the beginning of its activities." In addition to the traditional colors, red and silver, three distinctive colors have been introduced for the Group's main divisions to not only characterize them but also make them stand out clearly. The initiation of this process will involve almost all of the Group's companies over the next few months and will initiate a process where corporate brands will merge into those of the reference divisions, concluding in 2029, the fiftieth anniversary of Finsea's founding.

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