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Podcast K44


  • Camion a 101 km/h a Zingonia, multa di 5.000 euro

    Camion a 101 km/h a Zingonia, multa di 5.000 euro

    Un camionista viaggiava a 100 km/h in una strada di Zingonia, in provincia di Bergamo, e non aveva neppure rispettato i tempi di guida e di riposo. Multati con 5.000 euro l’autista e l’impresa di autotrasporto.




    Transport and logistics briefs – 23 December 2024

    Shanghai surpasses 50 million TEU

    The Port of Shanghai has set a historic milestone, surpassing 50 million TEU annually for the first time, cementing its position as the world’s leading port for the 14th consecutive year. According to Yang Yanbin, an executive at Shanghai International Port Group, this achievement highlights the strength of China’s industrial system and its capacity to sustain global trade. Since surpassing 1 million TEU in 1994, the port has expanded its international connections to over 700 ports in more than 200 countries. In 2024, with transhipments accounting for 60% of its volume, Shanghai reaffirms its status as a global hub. The port’s growth aligns with Shanghai’s evolution as an international transport centre, ranking third in the Xinhua-Baltic report for 2024.

    MSC launches 45-foot feeder container service between Italy and Turkey

    MSC has introduced a new short-sea shipping service using 45-foot high-cube palletwide containers on the route between Gebze, Turkey, and Trieste, Italy. This door-to-door solution offers competitive rates for large-scale shipments, catering to the growing demand for freight transport. Designed for industrial goods, commercial cargo, and automotive components, the service ensures increased capacity, weather protection, and reduced damage risk. With weekly departures from Gebze every Saturday and a four-day transit time, customers benefit from reliability, cost efficiency, and integrated connections with Medlog.

    Construction begins on Senegal’s new Port of Ndayane

    Senegal is poised to become a global trade hub with the construction of the Port of Ndayane, a $1.2 billion project led by DP World in partnership with MSC and British International Investment. The initiative aims to strengthen the country's role in international trade, projecting a 3% GDP boost and an additional $15 billion in trade value by 2035. During construction, 1,800 jobs will be created, with the operational port supporting up to 2.3 million positions. The first phase includes an 840-metre quay and capacity for 1.2 million TEU annually, addressing the limitations of Dakar’s port and bolstering Senegal’s economic and logistical ambitions.

    No evidence of external interference in DHL crash

    Preliminary investigations into the flight recorders of the DHL-operated Boeing 737-476, which crashed on 25 November near Vilnius Airport, have found no signs of "unlawful interference." This was reported by Lithuania’s Ministry of Justice, as cited by Baltic News Service. International experts from Spain, Germany, and the United States are still examining the causes of the incident, while Lithuanian prosecutors investigate possible maintenance violations. The crash, involving a four-member crew, resulted in the death of a Spanish pilot.

    Amazon fined $145,000 over workplace safety

    Amazon has agreed to pay a $145,000 fine to settle a federal investigation into workplace safety conditions at its US warehouses. Announced by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the settlement requires Amazon to conduct annual ergonomic risk assessments at all facilities and implement improvements. The investigation, launched in 2022, found risks of back injuries and other workplace hazards. The agreement will impact thousands of employees nationwide. In a corporate blog post, Amazon stated the settlement acknowledges its progress while reaffirming its commitment to improved workplace safety.

    Arcese internalises 94 workers at Castel San Pietro facility

    An agreement has been reached for employees at the Arcese Trasporti facility in Castel San Pietro. Starting 1 January 2025, 94 subcontracted workers will be internalised, granting them improved contractual and salary conditions, including access to the company’s supplemental agreement. The deal follows extensive negotiations between the company and trade unions.

    Over €5 million in funding for sustainable vehicles in La Spezia and Carrara

    The Eastern Ligurian Sea Port Authority has launched a funding initiative under the Green Ports programme, aimed at concessionaires and terminal operators at the ports of La Spezia and Marina di Carrara. With over €5 million allocated, the scheme promotes the acquisition of electric or hydrogen-powered vehicles and the conversion of existing ones, supporting environmental sustainability. Grants can cover up to 100% of eligible costs (maximum €300,000 per company over three years) and require the scrapping of replaced vehicles. Applications must be submitted by 31 January 2025.

    Cosco unveils new route to Southeast Africa

    Cosco has loaded over 20,000 cubic metres of cargo, including engineering vehicles, equipment, and steel, for a 6,550-nautical-mile shipment to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The shipment is expected to arrive in just over 20 days. The launch of this new direct Belt and Road line was celebrated in Qingdao, designated as the primary hub for general cargo operations in northern China. The route connects Asia with Eastern and Southern Africa, offering monthly departures from Qingdao and other Chinese ports to destinations such as Mombasa and Durban.

    MSC Italy launches truck tracking service

    From 8 January 2025, MSC Italy will introduce a new free Tracking Service for Carrier Haulage transports. The system enables customers to track road transport in real time. Key benefits include email notifications of estimated arrival times, live updates for import and export shipments, and information provided through a dedicated email address.

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Videocast K44


  • Il 2024 è rimasto stabile per Hupac

    Il 2024 è rimasto stabile per Hupac

    La società intermodale svizzera Hupac ha trasportato nel 2024 una quantità di unità di carico simile a quella dell’anno precedente. Ora punta sulla cooperazione internazionale per migliorare l'affidabilità della rete ferroviaria.
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Modalis innova il trasporto intermodale col container Butterfly
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Autocisterna per pulverulenti per il trasporto in città
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Prologis è cresciuta in Italia anche nel 2024
Alleanza nella logistica degli sfusi fra Tradelog e Coder International


Alleanza nella logistica degli sfusi fra Tradelog e Coder International
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Cresce la guerra commerciale tra Cina e Usa
Finsea Steel cambia il panorama italiano della logistica dell’acciaio


Finsea Steel cambia il panorama italiano della logistica dell’acciaio
Rinnovato il contratto integrativo alla System Logistics


Rinnovato il contratto integrativo alla System Logistics
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Frode fiscale internazionale nei prodotti petroliferi a Maranello
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Finanza scopre a Verona una frode milionaria sui carburanti
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La Svizzera sperimenta pannelli solari sulla ferrovia
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FS e Almaviva alleate per la digitalizzazione del trasporto
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L’Autorità portuale di Trieste assegna la digitalizzazione del porto
Circle acquisisce divisione telematica e infomobilità di Telepass Innova


Circle acquisisce divisione telematica e infomobilità di Telepass Innova
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Sanilog estende la campagna Priorità Salute fino a febbraio 2025
Nuovo rapporto sulle emissioni di CO2 di Webfleet


Nuovo rapporto sulle emissioni di CO2 di Webfleet
GI.MA.Trans digitalizza la gestione dei viaggi


GI.MA.Trans digitalizza la gestione dei viaggi
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Msc cresce al Lingotto di Torino e assume 150 persone
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La web tax colpisce tutta l’editoria online
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