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Podcast K44


  • Camion a 101 km/h a Zingonia, multa di 5.000 euro

    Camion a 101 km/h a Zingonia, multa di 5.000 euro

    Un camionista viaggiava a 100 km/h in una strada di Zingonia, in provincia di Bergamo, e non aveva neppure rispettato i tempi di guida e di riposo. Multati con 5.000 euro l’autista e l’impresa di autotrasporto.




    Transport and logistics briefs – 11 December 2024

    Volvo and DHL launch autonomous truck trials in the US

    Volvo Autonomous Solutions and DHL Supply Chain have initiated autonomous driving trials in the United States. Volvo VNL Autonomous trucks, equipped with the Aurora Driver system, will begin operations with a safety driver onboard to monitor performance. The initial routes covered include Dallas-Houston and Fort Worth-El Paso. “This collaboration accelerates the adoption of autonomous technology, optimising capacity and supply chain efficiency,” stated Sasko Cuklev of Volvo. Jim Monkmeyer from DHL added that autonomy will be pivotal in logistics’ digital transformation, enhancing safety and efficiency.

    EIB funds Bilbao port with €80m

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) has announced €80 million in funding for the Bilbao Port Authority. The aim is to support the port’s expansion and electrification, including the development of renewable energy infrastructure. This project, part of the Atlantic Corridor of the TEN-T network, seeks to enhance the port’s capacity and efficiency, reduce maritime transport costs, and support the offshore renewable energy industry. It also aligns with the EIB’s climate strategy, which commits half of its financing to sustainable projects.

    Prologis acquires logistics facility in Peschiera Borromeo

    Prologis has completed the purchase of the final building in the Industrial Park at Peschiera Borromeo, near Milan, from Sviluppo Immobiliare Corio. Strategically located near the TEEM ring road and Milan Linate Airport, the 20,000-square-metre property is already leased to two logistics operators. This acquisition marks the conclusion of a large-scale project with over 60,000 square metres of covered space. Sandro Innocenti of Prologis described the facility as an ideal investment for e-commerce. Savills Italia acted as the advisor for the transaction.

    Patrizia Pepe slashes logistics costs with ShippyPro

    The collaboration between Patrizia Pepe and ShippyPro continues to transform the logistics operations of the Florence-based fashion brand. Thanks to ShippyPro's shipping management platform, Patrizia Pepe has cut the cost of integrating new couriers by 80% and halved the time needed to process tracking requests. Since its launch in 2022, the partnership has enabled the brand to optimise both B2B and B2C operations, monitor thousands of shipments, and enhance customer experience in key markets such as France, Germany, and Italy.

    TAP Air Cargo and Wiremind Cargo enhance collaboration

    Portuguese airline TAP Air Cargo has strengthened its partnership with Wiremind Cargo by integrating the Cargospot management system with Skypallet, a tool designed to optimise cargo capacity. Through an API, shipment data is automatically transferred from Cargospot to Skypallet, simplifying flight planning and reducing processing times from 15–30 minutes to just a few seconds. This integration improves load factors by up to 10%, ensuring efficiency and speed.

    Freight volumes down under the Channel

    In November 2024, LeShuttle Freight, the rail shuttle service under the Channel, transported 104,436 commercial vehicles, marking a 4% decline compared to the same month in 2023. Year-to-date, over one million heavy goods vehicles have crossed the Channel on its Shuttles.

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Videocast K44



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Jost completa l’acquisizione di Hyva
Una nuova generazione di tablet rinforzati di Getac


Una nuova generazione di tablet rinforzati di Getac
Modalis innova il trasporto intermodale col container Butterfly


Modalis innova il trasporto intermodale col container Butterfly
Autocisterna per pulverulenti per il trasporto in città


Autocisterna per pulverulenti per il trasporto in città
K44 video | Daf ha fatto tredici


K44 video | Daf ha fatto tredici
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Prologis è cresciuta in Italia anche nel 2024


Prologis è cresciuta in Italia anche nel 2024
Alleanza nella logistica degli sfusi fra Tradelog e Coder International


Alleanza nella logistica degli sfusi fra Tradelog e Coder International
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Cresce la guerra commerciale tra Cina e Usa
Finsea Steel cambia il panorama italiano della logistica dell’acciaio


Finsea Steel cambia il panorama italiano della logistica dell’acciaio
Rinnovato il contratto integrativo alla System Logistics


Rinnovato il contratto integrativo alla System Logistics
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Frode fiscale internazionale nei prodotti petroliferi a Maranello


Frode fiscale internazionale nei prodotti petroliferi a Maranello
In Polonia nasce un grande impianto per produrre torri eoliche


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La Svizzera sperimenta pannelli solari sulla ferrovia
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Dkv Mobility cresce nella mobilità elettrica con Smartlab
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L’Autorità portuale di Trieste assegna la digitalizzazione del porto
Circle acquisisce divisione telematica e infomobilità di Telepass Innova


Circle acquisisce divisione telematica e infomobilità di Telepass Innova
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Sanilog estende la campagna Priorità Salute fino a febbraio 2025
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Nuovo rapporto sulle emissioni di CO2 di Webfleet
GI.MA.Trans digitalizza la gestione dei viaggi


GI.MA.Trans digitalizza la gestione dei viaggi
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Nasce eXyond per la digitalizzazione nella logistica
Msc cresce al Lingotto di Torino e assume 150 persone


Msc cresce al Lingotto di Torino e assume 150 persone
K44 video | le novità di Geotab per la gestione delle flotte


K44 video | le novità di Geotab per la gestione delle flotte
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La nuova webtax mette a rischio l’informazione specializzata
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Nasce un consorzio per la cibersicurezza nel trasporto
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La web tax colpisce tutta l’editoria online
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