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Podcast K44


  • Camion a 101 km/h a Zingonia, multa di 5.000 euro

    Camion a 101 km/h a Zingonia, multa di 5.000 euro

    Un camionista viaggiava a 100 km/h in una strada di Zingonia, in provincia di Bergamo, e non aveva neppure rispettato i tempi di guida e di riposo. Multati con 5.000 euro l’autista e l’impresa di autotrasporto.




    Transport and logistics brief – 3 December 2024

    Koinè acquires 100 MAN trucks

    Bergamo-based transport company Koinè Transport has renewed its fleet by purchasing 100 MAN TGX 18.520 tractor units. The decision was driven by the reliability of previous models and the quality of MAN's support in Italy and across Europe. The GX cab, chosen for its comfort and functionality, is particularly suited for international routes managed with dual drivers. Koinè, which operates 200 tractors and 600 trailers, continues to focus on driver safety and well-being, ensuring they are not required to handle loading and unloading tasks.

    Container explosion at Miami port

    A night of fear at PortMiami, where on Friday, 29 November, a vehicle caught fire inside a container, resulting in a violent explosion that shook nearby buildings. The alarm was raised at around 11:40 pm when Miami-Dade Fire Rescue responded to a blaze in a loading area. Firefighters arrived on the scene to find a vehicle in flames, which they quickly brought under control. Despite the intense explosion, no injuries were reported. The cause of the fire is still under investigation.

    New Turkey-Bulgaria railway by 2028

    A new railway line between Halkalı, near Istanbul, and Kapıkule, on the Bulgarian border, is set to be operational by 2028, according to Turkey’s Transport Minister. The project, part of Turkey's "Silk Railway", will be developed in three phases, with the first expected to be completed by the end of next year. The 229-kilometre line aims to boost rail traffic between Asia and Europe, enhancing the connection along the Middle Corridor. The project is funded by Istanbul with support from European institutions, including the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Once completed, the line is expected to increase freight traffic from 1.53 to 9.6 million tonnes per year.

    Heavy losses for Poland's PKP Cargo

    PKP Cargo, Poland’s national rail freight operator, has reported a net loss of 738.7 million zlotys (€171.6 million) in the first three quarters of 2024. Despite the financial challenges, the results are slightly better than previous estimates, which projected a loss of 795 million zlotys. Nearly half of the loss was incurred in the third quarter, with a negative balance of 336 million zlotys. Total revenues fell to 2.58 billion zlotys, down from 3.2 billion last year. The company attributed the crisis to several extraordinary events related to ongoing restructuring, including the creation of a redundancy fund worth 149.1 million zlotys.

    Italy-Egypt trailer transport trial

    Italy and Egypt have launched a trial period for the transport of towed vehicles until January 2025, pending ratification of the related agreement. During this phase, the Italian Ministry of Transport will manage permits for Italian companies intending to send trailers to Egypt by ferry. Requests, to be submitted via certified email (PEC), must include transport details and the necessary payment receipts. The Ministry will then send an official note to the Egyptian counterpart for approval, simplifying the authorisation process pending final regulations.

    Collaboration between ProntoPacco and FedEx

    ProntoPacco, one of Italy's leading parcel collection networks and part of GLS Group, has signed a collaboration with FedEx to meet the growing demand for flexible deliveries among Italian customers, who increasingly prefer collection points over home deliveries. Thanks to ProntoPacco's network of over 8,000 locations, the partnership will offer more collection and return options, improving shipping management for both consumers and e-shops.

    Air Arabia strengthens cargo operations in Poland

    Globe Air Cargo, a subsidiary of ECS Group, has been appointed as the General Sales and Service Agent (GSSA) for Air Arabia in Poland. The partnership, effective from 15 October 2024 for three years, aims to boost the airline’s cargo operations in the region. Air Arabia will initially operate four weekly flights to Kraków, increasing to five during the winter schedule, and from December will introduce five weekly rotations to Warsaw. The aircraft involved, A320 and A321 models, will transport general cargo and temperature-sensitive goods, such as pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

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