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Podcast K44


  • Camion a 101 km/h a Zingonia, multa di 5.000 euro

    Camion a 101 km/h a Zingonia, multa di 5.000 euro

    Un camionista viaggiava a 100 km/h in una strada di Zingonia, in provincia di Bergamo, e non aveva neppure rispettato i tempi di guida e di riposo. Multati con 5.000 euro l’autista e l’impresa di autotrasporto.




    The European Commission responds to inquiry on driver exploitation

    The exploitation of drivers from non-EU countries remains a critical issue in the context of international road transport. The 2023–2024 period has seen protests—most notably at the Grafenhausen service area in Germany—raising concerns about the working conditions of industrial vehicle drivers, particularly those recruited from outside the EU. Reports of incomplete wages, unjustified deductions, missing payslips, and prolonged periods spent in trucks have surfaced. These issues have been flagged not only by the drivers themselves but also by unions and associations across Europe.

    To shed light on the matter, in October 2024, the team of MEP Valentina Palmisano from the 5 Star Movement—following consultations with representatives from the Fnilt/Cse union and associations such as Willy Sicurezza e Legalità nel Trasporto, Élite Driver, and Associazione Opera Vita da Corrieri—submitted a parliamentary inquiry. The inquiry called for urgent measures to curb the exploitation of non-EU labour in the transport sector.

    "A severe phenomenon of exploitation of non-EU workers, particularly from Asia, is emerging in Europe, especially in the transport sector, where they are employed under inhumane conditions," the inquiry states. "These workers are recruited through international agencies, granted Europeanised documents via dubious practices, and employed by major companies at extremely low wages, without rights or insurance. This system not only breaches EU legislation, such as Regulation EU 492/2011 and Directive 2009/52/EC, but also creates unfair competition that harms European hauliers. European drivers, subjected to strict safety and wage regulations, cannot compete with a system that relies on underpaid and exploited labour. This imbalance threatens not only the stability of the sector but also the safety of European roads."

    In light of these concerns, the MEP asked the Commission what actions it intends to take to stop the exploitation of non-EU workers, how it plans to strengthen cross-border inspections to prevent the use of irregular labour, and what measures it foresees to protect the rights of European hauliers, who are affected by unfair competition. In early January 2025, the European Commission issued a response. While reiterating the importance of eliminating all forms of exploitation and expressing openness to revising worker protection regulations, the Commission stated that it had found no irregularities in the issuance of certificates to non-EU drivers. The Commission also highlighted the progress achieved through the Mobility Package.

    The Commission explained that it regularly monitors the implementation of Directive 2009/52/EC, which imposes sanctions on employers, by Member States. It organises periodic expert group meetings to discuss the interaction between irregular migration and the directive, promoting the exchange of information and best practices. Additionally, the Commission announced plans to enhance the enforcement of existing regulations and, if necessary, review the rules aimed at preventing the exploitation of workers with irregular status in Europe. In this context, an evaluation of the European Labour Authority's performance concerning its objectives, mandate, and assigned tasks is currently underway.

    According to Article 5 of Regulation EC 1072/2009, Member States must issue driver certificates to EU-licensed transport operators for each legally employed driver or driver lawfully engaged, who is neither a citizen of an EU Member State nor a long-term resident. These certificates confirm that the driver is employed in compliance with the relevant laws of the issuing Member State.

    The Commission stated that it is unaware of any systemic issues concerning the issuance of driver certificates by Member States. Moreover, it strongly condemned any discriminatory practices between foreign drivers and EU drivers regarding working conditions and pay. The response concluded by emphasising that the First Mobility Package, adopted in July 2020, has significantly improved drivers' working conditions and pay. These measures must apply to all drivers, regardless of their nationality. It is the responsibility of Member States to enforce these regulations through roadside checks and inspections at company premises.

    Marco Martinelli

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