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Podcast K44


  • Camion a 101 km/h a Zingonia, multa di 5.000 euro

    Camion a 101 km/h a Zingonia, multa di 5.000 euro

    Un camionista viaggiava a 100 km/h in una strada di Zingonia, in provincia di Bergamo, e non aveva neppure rispettato i tempi di guida e di riposo. Multati con 5.000 euro l’autista e l’impresa di autotrasporto.




    Genoa’s new pilot tower cap

    Foto: Asp Mar Ligure Occidentale

    On August 2, 2024, the top covering of the new pilot tower at the port of Genoa, designed by Renzo Piano and located in the eastern area, was installed. This "cap" was lifted to a height of 65 meters and will protect the control cabin from the sun while housing photovoltaic cells. The square structure, nearly 800 square meters in area and weighing 150 tons, required delicate positioning operations due to the tight spaces between the docks and the sea, as well as weather conditions monitored constantly through a forecast model provided by Arpal.

    In addition to shielding the operations center from solar glare, enabling optimal visual control of maritime traffic by the Coast Guard and Pilots, the cover hosts photovoltaic cells capable of providing up to 60% of the energy needs for the tower and the nearby service building. The internal structure is also equipped with an advanced stabilization system designed to minimize the effects of wind and earthquakes, ensuring the safety and comfort of the occupants. The "cap" serves as a distinctive symbol of the Pilot Tower, designed by architect Renzo Piano to evoke the image of a sentinel watching the horizon.

    The construction of the new pilot tower began with the assembly of the metal framework, divided into four sections and erected through lifting operations and special weldings. Stabilized by steel cables, the framework supports the control cabin, a structure with large windows and accessible via two elevators and external stairs. The highest point of the building will be the antenna, reaching 95 meters above sea level.

    The metal components of the pilot tower, produced by Cimolai, were assembled and treated at the Ponte Rubattino construction site before being transported by sea to the Waterfront area. The structures were protected with paints and technologies used for offshore installations, ensuring resistance to marine corrosion.

    In addition to the tower, the Service Building is almost complete. This two-story building, connected to the tower by a pedestrian walkway, will house offices, accommodation, and operational rooms for the Pilot Corps. Located near the Jean Nouvel pavilion, the structure is raised on columns to avoid obstructing the port view. Simultaneously, maritime works are underway to protect the new buildings from potential collisions.

    The new tower will replace the one destroyed on the night of May 7, 2013, when the con-ro ship Jolly Nero violently struck the structure during an exit maneuver, causing it to collapse immediately. Nine people died in the incident, and four were injured. The main trial concluded definitively in October 2023, with the Corte di Cassazione confirming sentences of seven years for the ship's captain and five years and four months for his first officer.

    A second trial, initiated by the victims' families, focused on the design, construction, and placement of the tower, deemed too exposed without adequate protections. In this case, after a first-degree conviction in 2020 for seven defendants, including designers, testers, and managers, the Court of Appeal acquitted all defendants in 2022. The acquittal was confirmed definitively by the Corte di Cassazione on May 7, 2024.

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Videocast K44



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