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Podcast K44


  • Camion a 101 km/h a Zingonia, multa di 5.000 euro

    Camion a 101 km/h a Zingonia, multa di 5.000 euro

    Un camionista viaggiava a 100 km/h in una strada di Zingonia, in provincia di Bergamo, e non aveva neppure rispettato i tempi di guida e di riposo. Multati con 5.000 euro l’autista e l’impresa di autotrasporto.




    Dutch transport company Trucks Banden Koning declared bankrupt

    The liquidation marks the end of a long saga for Trucks Banden Koning, the Dutch haulage firm sentenced in November 2023 for mistreating its employees. Thanks to the intervention of the FNV trade union and the VNB association, the Zwolle Court confirmed allegations of exploitation against the company, primarily involving Filipino drivers. The ruling ordered the firm to pay all outstanding wages, cover legal fees, compensate the unions, and imposed a daily penalty of €1,000 for non-compliance with the court’s orders.

    Despite the severe judgement, Trucks Banden Koning failed to pay its debts to drivers or the fines imposed. The legal battle dragged on for another year until early December 2024, when FNV and VNB released a video on social media, signalling the case’s resolution. The turning point came when the court and unions contacted the company’s clients, who cooperated by agreeing to freeze payments for services received. This manoeuvre secured around €200,000, forcing Trucks Banden Koning, suddenly cash-strapped, to engage with the justice system. The funds were released only after the company agreed to receive €75,000 into a new account set up specifically to reimburse the drivers. However, the firm could not access the funds for any other purpose.

    Even so, the company refused to make any payments, choosing instead to retain control over unusable funds rather than settle its debt to the drivers. As a result, the court declared the company bankrupt and appointed a trustee, who finally unlocked the funds and compensated the drivers. The bankruptcy also enabled the seizure of one of the owners’ homes, valued at €125,000, along with two luxury vehicles.

    “This is a victory, a true victory. It’s more than we hoped for; the feeling is indescribable. We fought against all odds,” said Jojo, one of the Filipino drivers, in the video shared by FNV. He was speechless when he saw €22,000 deposited into his account. “I was stunned, and I felt a wave of warmth. I felt like a millionaire. I’m deeply grateful to VNB; it’s thanks to them we achieved this result. I’m truly happy. If rights are trampled, everyone must unite, and I urge all exploited drivers to reach out to VNB.”

    The video by FNV highlighted the drivers’ plight: employed through both the Dutch and Polish branches of the company — the latter used solely for recruitment and entry into Europe — they worked exclusively in the Netherlands. Underpaid and subjected to harsh conditions, they spent long periods living in their truck cabins. They could shower and do laundry only once a week at a parking area near Deventer, 100 kilometres east of Amsterdam, provided by the company. “We dreaded rest periods. We were never given a hotel or proper accommodation. I stayed in my truck cabin for a year and six months. They made my life miserable, taking my licence, permits, and passport. Because of this, they could do whatever they wanted. Not having money to send home is the hardest part for a father,” Jojo explained.

    The FNV’s video concluded with a powerful message of worker advocacy: “We want to send a clear signal to drivers and employers: rules must be respected. For employees, this means enjoying all their rights; for companies, it means combating unfair competition. In cases like this, it must be clear that VNB is ready to take action against lawbreakers and, in the worst situations, can seize your home and your car.”

    Marco Martinelli

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Videocast K44



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