Following the double-digit surge in spot rates for container shipping between Shanghai and Rotterdam (+11%) recorded by the Drewry World Container Index in mid-June 2024, the increase cooled off the following week. According to data released on June 27, the rise between the two ports was 7%, bringing the rate to $7,322 per FEU. The rate between Shanghai and Genoa rose by one percent to $7,102, compared to a two percent increase the previous week. Similarly, rates between Rotterdam and Shanghai increased by one percent, with the rate standing at $676.
On the Atlantic route, the trend in rates is mixed: rates increased by one percent from New York to Rotterdam (to $640 per FEU), while they decreased by two percent in the opposite direction (to $2,044), marking the only decline in the Drewry World Container Index. In the Pacific, rates to the United States rose by 4%, both on the Shanghai to Los Angeles route ($6,673) and the Shanghai to New York route ($7,827).