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Podcast K44


  • Camion a 101 km/h a Zingonia, multa di 5.000 euro

    Camion a 101 km/h a Zingonia, multa di 5.000 euro

    Un camionista viaggiava a 100 km/h in una strada di Zingonia, in provincia di Bergamo, e non aveva neppure rispettato i tempi di guida e di riposo. Multati con 5.000 euro l’autista e l’impresa di autotrasporto.




    Combined road-sea transport service between Trieste and Damietta launched

    The maiden voyage of this ro-ro service, organised by DFDS, departed on 4 December 2024 from the Samer Seaports & Terminals at Pier V of the Port of Trieste. The service is the result of agreements reached in 2023 between the Italian and Egyptian governments to promote the import-export of agricultural products. Transport ministers from both nations attended the launch. This is the second Eastern Mediterranean route originating from Trieste, following the well-established connection with Turkey. It also allows the port to diversify its cargo traffic. Units are transported across Europe by road and rail, while Egypt aims to double its exports of fresh produce to the continent.

    "The Port of Trieste is expanding its ro-ro routes towards North Africa, with Egypt—already a pivotal partner for our port in the 19th century—now emerging as a potential gateway to the entire Arab region," explained Vittorio Torbianelli, Extraordinary Commissioner of the Eastern Adriatic Sea Port Authority. "Given the highly competitive balance between cost and transit time, the potential is enormous: Egyptian fruit and vegetables, Italian apples for export to Egypt, alongside a wide range of industrial products". Torbianelli added, "Italian hauliers can play a leading role in trade with Italy, while the railway system offers the possibility of reaching all of Europe, including the UK. We must also acknowledge the significant effort made to manage entirely new procedures for semi-trailer transit, thanks to the Customs Office, the Guardia di Finanza, the Ministries of Health and Transport, who deserve our heartfelt recognition."

    Lars Hoffman, Vice President and Head of DFDS's Mediterranean Business Unit, remarked, "This is a significant milestone for us, further strengthening our presence in the Mediterranean. This new route offers an extraordinary opportunity to expand our network and deliver increasingly efficient and sustainable logistical solutions. We are confident that, like the Trieste-Turkey route, this new connection will quickly become a cornerstone of trade and logistics in the region, offering new opportunities for our customers and commercial partners."

    Enrico Samer, President of Samer Shipping, commented, "The success of the Trieste-Turkey motorway of the sea has clearly demonstrated the potential of this type of maritime connection. The new link with Egypt builds on this solid foundation, extending the Port of Trieste's reach towards North Africa to the benefit of the entire local economy. This route will not only facilitate trade between Italy and Egypt but will also serve as a bridge between Europe and Africa, leveraging Trieste's excellent railway network."

    The new ro-ro service forms part of the broader Inframed transport plan and follows the bilateral Italy-Egypt agreement signed in Cairo on 22 January 2024. The route offers a weekly service to and from both ports, with arrivals and departures on Mondays in Trieste, and arrivals on Thursdays and departures on Fridays in Damietta. DFDS has deployed the Olympos Seaways vessel for this route, with a loading capacity of 3,214 linear metres, equivalent to approximately 207 semi-trailers, and a speed of 21.5 knots. The journey between the two ports takes 68 hours. In addition to semi-trailers, the ship also carries complete vehicles, containers, and swap bodies.

    On the land side, DFDS collaborates with Alpe Adria and Med-Roll to forward cargo units across Europe by road and rail, reaching the UK in four to six days from unloading at Trieste. For the rail segment, operated by LTE, the service uses VTG wagons to maintain consistent temperatures in refrigerated containers. Trains depart from the Samer terminal on Tuesday mornings and arrive at the RSC terminal in Rotterdam the following afternoon.

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Videocast K44


  • Le merci d’Ita Airways passeranno a Lufthansa Cargo

    Le merci d’Ita Airways passeranno a Lufthansa Cargo

    Il passaggio d’Ita Airways a Lufthansa sposterà il trasporto delle merci della compagnia italiana a quella tedesca. Ne beneficeranno Fiumicino e Monaco di Baviera a discapito di Malpensa. E Swissport lascia lo scalo romano.


  • Cambio di passo per il tunnel ferroviario Spagna-Marocco

    Cambio di passo per il tunnel ferroviario Spagna-Marocco

    Il progetto di una galleria sotto lo Stretto di Gibilterra tra Spagna e Marocco ha quasi quarant’anni, ma finora non ci sono stati passi avanti concreti. Una svolta potrebbe venire dall’incarico conferito a un costruttore tedesco di frese per verificare la fattibilità dell’opera.
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Modalis innova il trasporto intermodale col container Butterfly
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Autocisterna per pulverulenti per il trasporto in città
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