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Podcast K44


  • Camion a 101 km/h a Zingonia, multa di 5.000 euro

    Camion a 101 km/h a Zingonia, multa di 5.000 euro

    Un camionista viaggiava a 100 km/h in una strada di Zingonia, in provincia di Bergamo, e non aveva neppure rispettato i tempi di guida e di riposo. Multati con 5.000 euro l’autista e l’impresa di autotrasporto.




    Brief news on transportation and logistics – June 11, 2024

    New postponement for Nippon Cargo Airlines acquisition

    All Nippon Airways has postponed the acquisition of the Japanese airline Nippon Cargo Airlines for the fourth time. Initially set for July 1, 2024, the agreement has been deferred to March 31 of the next year due to ongoing approvals from antitrust authorities. ANA stated that the delay is necessary to complete the merger review in Japan and China. NCA currently operates a fleet of eight B747-8 and owns five B747-400 operated by ASL and Atlas Air.

    Drones for deliveries in Emilia-Romagna

    In Emilia-Romagna, the first trials for using drones in urban and suburban goods delivery have begun, thanks to the European project Di-Pegasus led by EuroUSC Italia. The project aims to reduce the environmental impact of freight transport through innovative and sustainable technologies. On May 17, 2024, a meeting in Bologna gathered feedback from industry operators. The technologies for this project are expected to be ready by 2026.

    Container train from Shanghai to Düsseldorf and Neuss

    China-Europe Express Railway has launched the first direct express freight train from Shanghai to Düsseldorf and Neuss in Western Germany. The inaugural journey departed on June 8, 2024, carrying one hundred containers of high-value industrial products such as automotive parts, mechanical equipment, and photovoltaic modules. The Chinese company also announced an upcoming rail link with Austria. Currently, over one hundred cities in twelve Eurasian countries are connected to Shanghai via express rail service. Wei Wei, deputy director of the Railway Supervision Department of Shanghai Customs, explained that "these are international trains with fixed departure times, train numbers, and defined routes. Customs will provide services through specific counters and dedicated staff to ensure the smooth operation of the main lines." Christian Drenthen, a member of the DB Schenker Land Transport Board, commented, "It is an innovative solution offering reliable services, connecting the Asian and European transport networks, providing customers with a sustainable product and an additional choice in their product line."

    Vericopter avoids insolvency

    Concerns about insolvency for Volocopter – a German company developing drones for cargo – have been temporarily resolved thanks to new financing. CEO Dirk Hoke had recently warned of potential insolvency, but now the Bruchsal-based company can breathe a sigh of relief. With financial stability ensured by investors, the development of the Volocity air taxi will continue without interruption. EASA certification is still pending, but Volocopter plans to start commercial flights by the end of 2024, with further production ramp-up in 2025.

    New railway in Central Asia

    China, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan have signed an agreement for the construction of a railway line among the three countries. The document specifies details on financing, route, operation, and maintenance of the line. According to local sources, construction will begin in October 2024.

    Terminals Italia moves to Polo Logistica of the FS Group

    Terminals Italia, a subsidiary of Ferrovie dello Stato that manages fourteen intermodal freight terminals, has moved from the Infrastructure Hub to the Logistics Hub of the railway group. Mercitalia Logistics has become the sole shareholder of the company through the demerger of the entire share capital of Terminals Italia from Rete Ferroviaria Italiana. The operation aims to enhance the rail-road synergy, increasing the share of intermodal freight traffic, without altering the workforce of over 230 employees.

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Videocast K44



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Modalis innova il trasporto intermodale col container Butterfly
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Autocisterna per pulverulenti per il trasporto in città
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K44 video | Daf ha fatto tredici
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Prologis è cresciuta in Italia anche nel 2024
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