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Podcast K44


  • Camion a 101 km/h a Zingonia, multa di 5.000 euro

    Camion a 101 km/h a Zingonia, multa di 5.000 euro

    Un camionista viaggiava a 100 km/h in una strada di Zingonia, in provincia di Bergamo, e non aveva neppure rispettato i tempi di guida e di riposo. Multati con 5.000 euro l’autista e l’impresa di autotrasporto.




    Brief news on transport and logistics, 4 December 2024

    Michelin and Edison Next inaugurate new green plant in Cuneo

    Edison Next and Michelin Italia have inaugurated an energy plant to reduce the carbon footprint of Michelin's factory in Cuneo, the largest in Western Europe for tyre production. The initiative will reduce annual CO2 emissions by approximately 18,000 tonnes through a trigeneration system and photovoltaic installations. The new plant is already equipped to use biomethane and hydrogen, aiming for carbon neutrality by 2050.

    Rolling motorway between Madrid and the Basque Country in 2026

    After opening a rolling motorway between Madrid and Valencia and proposing a similar project between Algeciras and Zaragoza, Spain now plans to establish a rail-road combined transport link between Madrid and Vitoria in the Basque Country. The aim is to launch it by 2026.

    Philippines and EU to improve maritime training

    The Government of the Philippines and the European Union have launched a technical assistance project to enhance the training, education, and working conditions of Filipino seafarers. Part of the EU-Asean Sustainable Connectivity (Scope) package, the project is funded by the European Commission with an allocation of 4 million euros. The maritime sector is a cornerstone of the Philippine economy, directly contributing 4% to the country's GDP in 2022, with an additional 1.7% from seafarers' remittances. With approximately 1.15 million people deployed at sea, the Philippines is one of the world's main suppliers of maritime labour, accounting for 25% of global seafarer personnel. The three-year project aims to ensure better working conditions and the opportunity for seafarers to operate internationally.

    Dfds selected for ferry services to Jersey

    Dfds has been named the preferred bidder for a 15-year contract for passenger and freight ferry services to Jersey, starting from 28 March 2025, further strengthening the Danish company's presence in the English Channel. Details of the service plans will be provided in the coming weeks, while Dfds will work with local authorities to ensure a smooth transition and optimised service.

    Charles Kamdom Moyo to lead Chep Italy

    Charles Kamdom Moyo has been appointed Country General Manager of Chep Italy, with the aim of strengthening the company's presence in pallet pooling and the supply chain. Moyo, who will take up the position on 1 January 2025, brings over twenty years of experience in international markets and expertise in commercial, supply chain, and procurement sectors. He will succeed Javier Sanchez, who will lead Chep's Spanish subsidiary.

    Challenge Group lands in Africa

    Challenge Group launched its first cargo flights to Nairobi airport on 2 December, marking its entry into the African market. The flights, operated with a B767 freighter with a capacity of 52 tonnes, take off twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays. This milestone is another step in the group's expansion strategy, following the launch of operations in India. Furthermore, the link with Liège further strengthens the role of the Belgian airport as a hub for perishable cargo.

    Circle Group launches low-emission maritime transport project

    Magellan Circle, part of Circle, has secured a grant of 208,000 euros from the Horizon Europe programme for the Maritime Low Emission Network (MarLEN) project. The initiative aims to develop zero-emission technologies for maritime transport, contributing to the European Union's climate targets. MarLEN will involve thirteen European entities and will last for 54 months starting from January 2025.

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