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Podcast K44


  • Camion a 101 km/h a Zingonia, multa di 5.000 euro

    Camion a 101 km/h a Zingonia, multa di 5.000 euro

    Un camionista viaggiava a 100 km/h in una strada di Zingonia, in provincia di Bergamo, e non aveva neppure rispettato i tempi di guida e di riposo. Multati con 5.000 euro l’autista e l’impresa di autotrasporto.




    PSA invests €900 million in Genoa Pra’ Terminal upgrade

    PSA Italy is set to close 2024 with strong results despite the global challenges facing the logistics sector. The container terminals in Genoa and Venice have recorded growth in handling volumes. PSA Genoa Pra’ is projected to finish the year with a total of 1,508,819 TEUs, an increase from 1,449,199 TEUs in 2023. Rail traffic at this terminal is also performing well, reaching 228,000 TEUs. In Genoa, the PSA Sech terminal is set to increase its throughput by 19.43%, reaching 295,000 TEUs. Conversely, PSA Venice-Vecon in the Adriatic has experienced a natural decline due to the Suez Canal crisis and will close 2024 with over 290,000 TEUs, down from its record of 337,032 TEUs in 2023.

    These figures were disclosed on 9 December 2024 by Roberto Ferrari, CEO of PSA Italy. Ferrari also announced an ambitious development plan focusing on enhancing efficiency and minimising environmental impact. Central to this plan is the PSA Genoa Pra’ terminal, which will benefit from the €900 million investment aimed at modernising operational areas to align with the standards of Northern European ports. The company is also committed to reducing CO2 emissions, eliminating noise pollution, and complying with ESG standards in line with European regulations.

    Ferrari detailed further upgrades at the Sech terminal, which will see new quay and rail cranes operational by March and December 2025, respectively. Meanwhile, PSA Venice-Vecon has already completed the first phase of its investment programme, introducing new equipment and infrastructure, including four reach stackers, 96 additional reefer plugs, and yard resurfacing. Additional equipment, including three e-RTGs and two reach stackers, is expected to be delivered in 2025.

    Another cornerstone of PSA's Italian strategy is the PSA Port Ecosystem logistics division, which is expanding its supply chain services. By December 2024, Genoa will see the introduction of 15,000 square metres of new warehouses and 25,000 square metres of yard space, supported by 16 new hires.

    In addition, Ferrari shared key 2023 figures, highlighting PSA Italy’s economic contributions. The company generated over €75 million in wages, with 93% of employees residing in the provinces of Genoa and Venice. Investment in staff training totalled €280,000, equating to an average of 34 hours per employee. PSA Italy also allocated over €16 million to public administration and spent €110.7 million on procurement, 80% of which was sourced from Italian suppliers. Ferrari concluded by emphasising the strategic importance of these upgrades: “Enhancing the terminal’s efficiency will enable us to be more competitive in the emerging Southern European markets, serving as a key factor in attracting higher traffic volumes to the port of Genoa.”

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